Our Buddy Bags

Attend a Buddy Bag pack

What's in a Buddy Bag?

A Buddy Bag is a backpack that contains all the essential items a child needs. 

They include toiletries, pyjamas and underwear, in addition to comfort items such as a book and a teddy bear. 

A Buddy Bag is something a child can call their own, no matter where they go.

Buddy Bags are tailored to suit babies, children and young people according to age groups and gender.

Watch the video to find out more

Attend a Buddy Bag pack

Get hands-on with packing the Buddy Bags that go straight to the children in emergency care.

A Buddy Bag Brigade is a great community and socially responsible opportunity. By joining us for one of our many Buddy Bag Brigades you are helping to make a difference to the 48,000 children in the UK who require emergency care each year.

Buddy Brigades are free to attend, simply reserve your space at one of our events through our Facebook Page.

If you are a business owner and you would like your staff to participate in their own Team Buddy Bag Brigade then please get in touch.

This is a great team-building opportunity that will make a real difference and turn your fundraising into a tangible opportunity to give back to a community project. We will endeavour to deliver your Buddy Bags to your local women’s refuge.

How does a Buddy Bag pack work?

Buddy Bags will be funded through fundraising, sponsorship and donations. Groups of items can be either donated or sponsored.

Individual volunteers or large companies looking for community projects for their staff to support will usually meet at venues throughout the UK every fortnight to fill the Buddy Bags.

The Buddy Bags will be stored and distributed to women’s refuges in the UK that deal with children who have been victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Each participating centre will keep a stock of Buddy Bags that can be handed to children when they are placed in emergency care.

putting items in a rucksack
community bag pack
lady packing a rucksack

Our achievements so far

Buddy Bags packed
Our BBF volunteers
Buddy bag brigades
Buddy Bag bear

Request Buddy Bags for a refuge centre

We supply our Buddy Bags to women’s refuges in the UK that deal with children who have been victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

If you would like to apply for a supply of Buddy Bags to your refuge, please complete the application below.

How much does a Buddy Bag cost?

Each donation of £25.00 ensures that one child will receive a complete Buddy Bag full of essential items.

  • A donation of £5.00 helps us to provide toiletries to a child in need.
  • A donation of £15.00 helps us to provide toiletries, underwear and pyjamas to a child in need.
  • A donation of £20.00 helps us to provide toiletries, underwear, pyjamas and a cuddly teddy bear to a child in need.

Every donation will make a difference to a child.

pyjamas folded up for the Buddy Bags
orange rucksack
brush baby toothbrushes for buddy bag pack

Your chance to make a difference to a child in emergency care

£25 supplies a child entering emergency accommodation with their own Buddy Bag. 100% of money donated goes to the cause.

Make a donation

What's in a Buddy Bag?

Make a difference and change a life.

Make a difference to a child in emergency care

Make a donation

What's in a Buddy Bag?

100% of money donated goes to the cause.

If you want to donate to us directly, you can pay online or via any Post Office or Lloyds Bank branch to:
Sort code 30-64-10 – Account number: 34186868 – Account name: Buddy Bag Foundation  – Reference: Your name