Pilot of Knit and Natter Group with Amazon is a real success!

Group of men and women sitting at a table together knitting

As a proud Ambassador for the Buddy Bag Foundation, it was a pleasure to help set up and lead the pilot of a Knit & Natter Group with Amazon in Doncaster. Amazon is committed to every aspect of Corporate Social Responsibility, providing opportunities and encouraging staff to get involved in mindfulness activities.

Our Knit & Natter programme was ideal as it gave Amazon the opportunity to get staff involved in an activity where they can step away from their operational roles for a couple of hours. The staff took part in learning how to knit a Buddy Bear and do something that makes a wonderful contribution to the charity.

Our Buddy Bears are such a special part of the Buddy Bags we provide to children, who arrive in emergency care, and every single bear is made with love.

One of the knitted Buddy Bears made by the Amazon Knit and Natter Group

Working closely with Eva from the Amazon Doncaster Office, we set up two groups of approximately 20 staff who were provided with a knitting pack which contained everything they needed to knit a Buddy Bear. It was brilliant to see how engaged and committed the Amazon staff were. They showed real dedication to the task in hand, whilst chatting away in a relaxed environment, where they could help each other out.

Judy, our knitting hero, worked amongst the group to provide help and it was fantastic how other more experienced knitters in the group stepped up to help their colleagues and got fully involved.

Staff said they really enjoyed the experience and Eva has gone on to run a few more groups to build on the success of the pilot. Here at the Buddy Bag Foundation, we are so grateful to see the lovely buddy bears being knitted and know that they will make a real difference to the children that receive them.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved and it will be great to see more Knit & Natter Groups take place in the future.

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Picture of The Buddy Bag Foundation

The Buddy Bag Foundation

The Buddy Bag Foundation was founded in 2015 to help make a difference to the 48,000 children entering emergency care every year in the UK. We supply these children with a Buddy Bag containing essential items to help restore a sense of comfort and love.

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£25 supplies a child entering emergency accommodation with their own Buddy Bag. 100% of money donated goes to the cause.

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